안녕하세요 여러분 🐰
오늘은 Weikav 사의 Sugar65의 후속작인 Lucky65를 리뷰해 봤습니다 🙂
키보드 뒷면에 행운의 상징인 네잎클로버가 있어요 🍀
가성비로 이것저것 만져보기에는 좋은 키보드에요 😸
-。・゜ ♡ 。 ・ ゜ ♡
그리고 오늘은 대한민국 광복 79주년입니다
조국의 독립을 위해 헌신한 모든 애국지사분들께 감사한 마음을 가지며
순국선열·애국지사분들께 경의를 표합니다
대한독립만세 🇰🇷
Hello everyone 🐰
Today, I reviewed Lucky65, the successor to Weikav’s Sugar65. 🙂
There is a four-leaf clover on the back of the keyboard, which is the symbol of good luck 🍀
It’s a good keyboard to touch for cost-effectiveness 😸
-。・゜ ♡ 。 ・ ゜ ♡
And today is the 79th anniversary of Korea’s liberation
Thank you to all the patriots who devoted themselves to the independence of their country
I pay respect to the patriotic martyrs and patriots
Long live Korean independence 🇰🇷
00:00 Preview
00:18 Unboxing the Lucky65
00:44 Lucky65 알아보기
01:30 Disassemble
02:22 SWK Catmint Switch
02:41 QTUO Blue Bunny Keycap
03:08 Stabilizer Sound
03:16 Sound Test
03:35 Connection to Bluetooth
03:46 Connection to 2.4G
03:49 Wired Connection
03:53 Typing Sound / Camera Mic
04:45 Typing Sound / iPhone Mic
05:28 키캡 바꾸기
05:40 MOA Keycap
06:05 Stabilizer Sound
06:15 Sound Test
06:32 Typing Sound / Camera Mic
07:09 Typing Sound / iPhone Mic
07:53 Sugar65 Lucky65 비교
08:37 Compare the Sugar65 & Lucky65 Sound
10:01 RGB Effects
11:20 Ending (Clacky Build Typing Sound)
🏷️Keyboard Typing info
① Weikav Lucky65
KTT Catmint Switch
Qtuo Blue Bunny Keycap
② Weikav Lucky65
KTT Catmint Switch
MOA Keycap
③ Weikav Sugar65 [Tape Mod (2 Layer)]
KTT Catmint Switch
MOA Keycap
④ Weikav Lucky65
KTT Catmint Switch
MOA Keycap
⑤ Weikav Lucky65 [No Plate Foam, No EPDM Foam]
KTT Catmint Switch
MOA Keycap
셀바이뮤직 (유료사용)
🎶 rm – come back to me but it’s lofi
• rm – come back to me but it’s lofi
🎥 Filmed Gear
Canon R50
iPhone 13 mini
filmed and edited by Shanelog
contact 💫 redshock7777@gmail.com